Ogliastra Cycling Tour - Discover East Sardinia


€ 890

Ogliastra…what? Don’t be surprised if you have never heard about this small kidney-shaped area that lies on the eastern side of Sardinia. It’s largely unknow and difficult to reach with a very mountainous terrain. Ogliastra holds a peculiar record among Italian provinces: the most long-lived, with the highest number of centenarians in the nation. Indeed, it has been declared a blue zone, an area where people live longer. Come to find out yourself why. Stunning landscapes and silence will be your only companions during this beautiful cycling trip. The hilly terrain makes this trip challenging, E-bikes are highly recommended.


  • Rocce Rosse of Arbatax
  • Old villages of Gairo and Osini
  • Tacchi d’Ogliastra
  • Su Marmuri caves
  • San Giorgio gorge
